February 16, 2025


Hey guys, what is up. In this particular post, we will be talking about what is technology. What are its uses and what are emerging technologies? As you all have heard about the word technology.

(Updated on 23/9/2021)


But do we know what is technology?


Technology is the branch of science which deals with the use of technical things and their correlation with industry, art, science, etc, and inheriting new useful things. When our knowledge and science are put together for practical purposes it will help in solving problems. “Technology” is the word that every one of us aware of. As we are living in the 21st century and we know that it is the most integral part of our lives. In this era, we all are familiar with it. We use technology for our day-to-day purpose from talking to our friends, online classes, watching television, etc.

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But do we use it wisely?

Technology has both its pros and cons. We should use this as a gift which is given to us by the scientists. We should use this to inherit new skills and development. It’s a human-made resource which when used effectively can lead to a better lifestyle and will lead to our development. Almost all the things around you together are “TECHNOLOGY”. So I should be referring to that we don’t surround technology, but it surrounds us. We all are used to every product around us.

Do we know when technology was discovered?

It was originated and developed by early man. Yes, all heard right the first-ever technology was invented and was used by our ancestors usually know as early humans. They created stone tools which were invented around 2.5 million years ago. They used them for hunting. As time passed they created bullock carts to go from one place to another. Fire is also one of the greatest inventions by them.


gadgets technology

Now you know what is technology, how it was created. Now it is time to know more about examples of technology. Gadgets are the most important part of technology.

 Firstly, I would like to start with television. We all know what is television and we use it for watching shows, dramas, fiction, etc. Instead of watching all these, we should devote that time to watch scientific shows, geographical channels, news, and various life updates.

Now I will be talking about the most common, most used device by people of almost all age groups i.e. mobile phones. It’s like a drug that caused addiction. Once we start using children of our ages are addicted to games, chatting, sharing, or watching inappropriate materials. In our age, we will find very few who would be using it conveniently. We have surrounded ourselves with it which includes Instagram, Netflix, amazon prime, pubg, and hundreds more.

Technology has its harmful effects also:

Like the harmful Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) released by excessive use of refrigerators and ACs. These also cause global warming and further leading to the melting of glaciers and ozone holes. Excessive use of phones leads to the weakening of eyesight.

Now let us talk about what are latest technologies:-

  • Artificial Intelligence: Artificial intelligence refers to any work which is given to any machine or program. And if the same work is provided to humans they have to apply their intelligence and have to hard work to complete the task.
  • Cloud Computing:  Cloud computing is a way of providing services to people with the help of internet. These services/resource includes different applications and tools like database services, networking, software services, and storage.
  • Internet of Things: IoT is the short form of internet of things. It is the interconnection of networking and computing devices connected over the internet with objects that we use everyday. That can be used to collect or receive data from other devices connected to it. In easy words, we can say that connection of different devices over internet for sharing of data over a wireless network without the need of human beings explicitly. Moreover, almost all the organizations are using IoT as to work more efficient and effective.
  • Machine learning: Machine learning is also known or abbreviated as ML. Machine learning is the process or we can say a method of data inspection that automates logical building. It is the subset or a special type of artificial intelligence in which the system learns new patterns, algorithms, codes, and new data. Also, identify patterns and runs accordingly with very little human activity.
  • Deep Learning: Deep learning is the subset of machine learning or we can say it is the part of artificial intelligence. Which instructs the computers that a human mind can do. This is the basic and most important technology behind cars without drivers. It helps the machine to realize traffic lights, stop signs, or to determine a pedestrian or zebra crossing from a distance. This technology plays a vital role in voice/ sound control in devices like mobile phones, tablets, television, and Bluetooth speakers. 
  • Drones: A drone is a special form of UAV. UAV stands for an unmanned aerial vehicle, as the name suggests a vehicle that does not requires the use of human within the UAV. Drones can be controlled easily with the help of good communication techniques from a very long distance. Earlier UAVs or drones were made only for military and safety purposes. 
  • Network Security: Network security is the way to protect the utility and integrity of your data and network from the hackers and bots. It is the exercise of protecting and preventing unwanted and unusual attacks on a corporate web from unknown sources. The key purpose of this technology is to ensure endpoint security. Also, this focuses on the safety of every device, instead of focusing on how these devices communicates with each other or the connecting material between them.
  • Big Data Analytics: Big Data Analytics refers to data insights. It is the process and a way to find important market trends, relationships, data, patterns, and user needs. With the advancement and development of technology, it is quite possible to find and study any sort of information and get the reports in the form of graphs very quickly. The most important purpose is to provide better decision-making and to stay safe and protected from fraudulent activities. This technology has many characteristics like faster rate, big volume.
  • 3D printing
  • 5G Data Network
  • Blockchain
  • DevOps
  • Robotics
  • Server less computing
  • Angular and React
  • Intelligent Apps
  • Virtual Reality
  • Augmented Reality

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