Loans are a convenient way to get cash and solve many problems down the road. Moreover, they’re sometimes the only way to reach a bigger goal, like buying a car or a house. And if you behave responsibly towards your financial obligations, everything will go well, and you’ll build a good credit history, which can bring additional benefits, as explained here.
At the time you took the loan, the lending terms may have seemed acceptable. Or you just had no other options. However, as time passes, your situation may change. Maybe the current installment becomes too much of a burden on your budget. Or your finances have got better, so you can get rid of that debt as soon as possible.
In any case, the solution can be refinancing. It means you can replace the existing loan with another one that suits you more at that moment. But you must be careful because refinancing is not always a good idea. Instead, switching loans should be done only if you can experience some real benefits.
You Can Cut Your Monthly Expenses
Due to some unfavorable life situations, you may end up in financial hardships. Then you can be late with repayments or even miss them. These troubles may only be temporary, but if you fail to manage your payments, that can cause you great harm and have long-term consequences on your credit rating.
The solution is to reduce the current burden on your budget, that is, to refinance the existing loan with a new one that has fewer installments. That new loan may have a lower interest rate, but it’s most often of the same or even longer tenure than the existing one. That extended repayment certainly means immediate financial relief, but if you look at things in the long term, not everything is so ideal.
For example, in the fifth year of a 10-year loan, you decided to refinance it. The new loan has a low-interest rate and lower installments, but the repayment term is seven years. It automatically means that you extend the repayment by two years. So you’ll pay interest for two more years, but if your main goal is immediate financial relief, you probably don’t mind it. Just think carefully about how it’ll affect your future loan applications.
Getting Rid of Debt Faster
Although loans can be your best buddies when you need fast cash, they can become a burden after a while. That’s why the first thought of anyone whose financial situation improves (finding a better-paid job, getting a raise, or finding any other source of income) should be settling current debts. If your credit score has also improved, you can negotiate a more favorable loan, even with a shorter repayment period.
Let’s go back to the example of a ten-year loan you plan to refinance in the fifth year. This time, you want to pay off the remaining debt faster, let’s say, in two years. Logically, you’ll opt for a refinancing loan with a shorter repayment period. Such a financial arrangement usually carries a higher interest rate, so you’ll pay higher monthly installments.
But if you’ve received a significant raise and can afford this installment increase, you will get rid of the existing debt very quickly. In the long run, that also means you’ll save a lot on interest payments because you won’t pay them for five but only two years. Also, if you pay this new loan regularly without delay, it can significantly improve your credit standings for future loans.
Settle High-Interest Debts
The average US consumer has several credit lines, including various types of short-term loans and credit cards. These are all high-interest debts that can be difficult to manage, especially if their due dates differ. Then the chance of payment default is quite high, and you certainly don’t want that to happen.
By taking out a refinancing loan, you can settle these expensive debts. For example, you can refinance your current mortgage with another mortgage that brings extra cash, so you can settle current debts that burden you too much.
This way, you can merge all problematic lines of credit into a single installment. It’ll initially be more expensive, but in the long run, it’ll help you blow off your debts earlier. Besides, by paying off these expensive debts, you’ll improve your cash flow and get your finances in order.
Changing Interest Type
This is a very good reason for refinancing, but only when it can bring you better lending terms. So it’s necessary to consider all your options and have some financial knowledge that’ll help you make the right decision. Basically, longer-term loans should be tied to a fixed interest rate, while variable loans can benefit short-term arrangements.
On the following link, read about the differences between fixed and variable interest rates:
For example, if you want to switch your current mortgage from a variable interest rate to a fixed one, a good time to do so is when interest rates are relatively low and stable. It means you can tie that new loan to a fixed interest rate. And since it’s on the lower end, it automatically means a lower monthly installment, so you don’t have to worry when interest rates start to rise again.
On the other hand, you can turn a fixed mortgage into a variable when interest rates drop. That generally means cutting interest and reducing the monthly installment. It’s a good decision if you plan to move soon, what will happen to interest rates in the following period is not your business.
Home Renovation
The cost-effectiveness of refinancing your mortgage depends on how long you plan to stay in the house. If the goal is to live there for a long time, you can choose a favorable moment to replace the current mortgage with a more favorable one. For example, you can switch the variable interest rate to a fixed one, as already explained.
On the other hand, if you plan to sell the house in a few years, you can refinance the mortgage so that you have money left over for home upgrades. By doing these improvements, you can add value to your property. So, if one day you sell it, you can do it at a higher price than you paid.
You Can Tap Home Equity
By accessing the equity in your home (what you actually own, i.e., what you’ve paid off so far), you can refinance a current loan and get enough money for some major expenses, such as starting a business, investing, or paying for education.
There’s no one-size-fits-all equity loan. Whether entering this financial arrangement is a good deal depends on what you want to achieve. Also, your finances matter, too. If they’re not great, søk refinansiering and getting extra cash by entering a new debt is not a good idea. On the other hand, if you can afford to refinance without problems, a home equity loan can be a good deal.
A refinance loan can be your best ally if taken out at the right moment. If you apply for it with the goal of solving financial difficulties and improving your financial situation, you can benefit from this arrangement and do wonders for your credit rating.