May 21, 2024

The Top eSports Affiliate Networks: What You Need to Know

The world of eSports has grown rampantly in recent years, bringing with it a host of monetization ways. One way to capitalize on this growth is through affiliate networks. Programs that offer rewards for referring customers or users to their sites. In this article, we’ll explore the top eSports affiliate networks. Their features, pros and cons, and how to get started with them. From to others like Epic Games Store Affiliate Program and Razer SoftMiner affiliates program. There are plenty of options out there if you’re looking to make money. So let’s dive into the details!


ESports Affiliate Networks

ESports are becoming more and more popular. It’s a great way for gamers and people who create content to show their talent and make money from it. More people are playing video games and competing against each other. This has caused new networks to come up, which can help streamers and influencers make money. Affiliate networks are one such way for content creators to make money.


The Top eSports Affiliate Networks

As the world of eSports continues to grow, so too does the number and diversity of affiliate networks. Here are a few of the top eSports affiliate networks available:


1xBet is a popular online sports betting platform that offers a range of eSports betting markets. The platform provides an affiliate program that enables content creators to earn commissions. Streamers and influencers can earn up to 40% lifetime revenue share for every user that they refer. The program also offers weekly payouts and real-time reporting to help track progress.

Epic Games Store Affiliate Program


Epic Games is a well-known name in the gaming industry. And the company’s affiliate program offers a range of benefits for content creators. Their program provides a convenience to earn money by promoting and linking products from through their channel. Affiliates of the Epic Games Store can earn up to 5% commissions from their referral links. Epic Games Store also provides their affiliates with a range of exclusive discounts, in-game currency, and other incentives.

MSI Affiliate Program


MSI is a well-known hardware company that specializes in laptops, desktops, and other computer components. The MSI Affiliate Program provides a convenience for content creators to earn commissions. The commission rate for the program can range from 1% to 5%, depending on the product being sold. MSI also offers their affiliates access to a range of promotional material.

Pros and Cons of Joining Esports Affiliates

Joining an eSports affiliate network can provide many benefits. But it’s important to consider the pros and cons before jumping in.


Additional Revenue Streams

One of the biggest advantages of joining an eSports affiliate network is to earn additional revenue streams. As a content creator, you can monetize your content in a variety of ways.

Diverse Monetization Opportunities

Affiliate networks offer a range of monetization opportunities beyond just traditional advertising. You can earn commissions for driving sales of products or services, as well as for user sign-ups, downloads, and more.

Access to Exclusive Products and Services

Many affiliate programs offer exclusive products, discounts, or services to their affiliates. This can help you build your brand and attract new followers.

Real-Time Tracking and Reporting

Most affiliate programs offer real-time tracking and reporting. So you can see exactly how much you’re earning and where it’s coming from.

Low Barrier to Entry

Joining an affiliate program is typically free and requires little to no technical knowledge.


Risk of Fraudulent Activity

Affiliate networks are susceptible to fraudulent activity such as click fraud and fake sign-ups. Therefore, content creators must be vigilant in monitoring their traffic and referrals to ensure their earnings are legitimate.

Potential for Copyright Issues

As a content creator, it’s important to ensure that any products or services you promote through affiliate links are ethically and legally sound. If you’re not careful, you could risk promoting a product or service that infringes on copyright laws.

Limited Control

As an affiliate, you’re promoting someone else’s products or services. Which means you have limited control over the branding and messaging linked with those products or services.

Dependence on Attribution

Attribution is the process of tracking your referrals and ensuring the proper commissions are credited. While most affiliate networks have reliable tracking systems, there is always the potential for human error or technical glitches.


In conclusion, joining an eSports affiliate network offers plenty of advantages for content creators. However, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons before signing. Up to ensure that it’s the right fit for your audience. By doing your research and being vigilant, you can earn additional revenue streams and expand your brand in a meaningful way.



In summary, esports affiliate programs are a great way to earn additional revenue streams. With more and more networks emerging every day, it’s important to do your research before signing up with any of them. Consider the features they offer, their commission rate, and promotional materials available for affiliates. Well as other pros and cons in order to make an informed decision about which program is best suited for you. Once signed up, start promoting the network’s services and products and collect commissions from referrals! With the right strategy and a little luck, you can be on your way to success in no time.

Good luck!

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